The "No More Page Three" campaign is still going strong, recently adding Girl Guides to the ever growing list of supporters.
However, this article offers a differing opinion, suggesting that the nudity on page three is not the issue.
"The most disturbing thing about Page 3 isn’t the fact that there are
naked breasts on it; it’s that every pair of naked breasts looks the
same, expresses the same opinions, and exists in a context where the
owners of naked breasts are casually belittled and dehumanised."
I think that the point, generally, is a good one. We as a society shouldn't become too bogged down with the idea of nudity, we don't want future generations to grow up prudish with the view that the body is something to be ashamed of and sexuality should be condemned. But, on the other hand, there is an appropriate time and place for these things to be portrayed and I don't believe that the UKs top selling 'Family Newspaper' is one of them. The reason that Page Three is offensive to me is that nudity is used, not to highlight the beauty of the human form, or celebrate the differences therein, but in order to portray Women casually as sexual consumable objects in everyday life. It is this casual use of these images, in a place which they should be so foreign that makes Page Three so dangerous.
In a society where on the one hand women are 'Slut Shamed' for showing any signs of sexuality, (How many celebrities have their reputations tarnished after getting caught in sex tape scandals) yet on the other hand reading the morning news we are unwillingly and abruptly subjected to oversexualised imagery, that should be found exclusively within the porn industry.
Is there really any wonder why many young men find it acceptable to cat-call and defame strangers in the street when their attitudes to women have been formed through such a confusing cocktail of images and articles from a supposedly trustworthy 'family' source?
Lego recently joined the cause and abolished their partnership with 'The Sun', hopefully Page Three won't be far behind.
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