Friday, 26 April 2013


Recently, I was discussing my work with my Mum and I was talking about how I feel that our society isn't gender neutral and I feel like the main contributor to that is the fact that women who wish to have a child have to be pregnant for 9 months, taking maternity leave and having their bodies completely taken over. Then I said "I bet in a couple hundred years there will be companies that you provide with your sperm and egg and you pay them to grow your baby for you."
This was the birth of the 'BabyGrow' project.

I realised that I can create such a fantasy company, offering couples the oppertunity to have their baby grown for them in an external pod meaning that the pregnancy process becomes gender-neutralised.
The female partner would be enabled to continue with her everyday life and career just as her male counterpart does without constantly having to worry about what she eats or drinks, as well as obviously not having to endure the physical pains of labour and pregnancy.

The 'BabyGrow' company is not exclusively beneficial to females though, as the mother during traditional pregnancies gets most of the attention and supposedly emotional connection that the father misses out on.
Both future parents are equally able to visit their growing child as frequently as possible to check on its development, talk to it and generally spend quality time.

This is a really interesting video showing two men being given electric stimulation that simulates the pains of labour:

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